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Workshop: Alcohol Awareness

Luis from Spain conducted a workshop on Alcohol Awareness in which we learned about the consequences of alcohol, we reflected on our relationship with alcohol and its consumption.

According to the Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, 75.1% of adolescents aged 14-18 have consumed alcohol at some time in their lives 6 out of 10 adolescents have been drunk at some time in their lives and 1 out of 3 have done so in the last 30 days.

It is interesting to analyze in this topic which are the motivations that young people themselves express in relation to the consumption of alcoholic beverages and also those that have those who do not consume them so we want to share with you the guidelines for this workshop:

Material needed

White board and markers

Goal of the workshop

  • To know more about alcohol consequences

  • To think about our relationship with alcohol

  • To be aware about our alcohol consumption

Development step by step

Introduction: 4-5 min (Information on alcohol consumption in young people.)

Small talk in couples about our relationship with alcohol and about how much alcohol we consume through answering some specific questions (30 minutes in total)

Introduction of a tool that allow us to measure our quantity of alcohol we drink in a easier way than ml. (10 min)

Small debate about personal conclusion (5-15 min)


The Standard Beverage Unit (SBU). Each S.B.U. represents between 8 and 13 grams of pure alcohol. With a S.B.U. you can measure the amount of pure alcohol, not the amount of liquid you drink. A healthy liver can metabolize about one E.B.U. every hour or hour and a half.

With regard to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, it is recommended not to exceed 20 grams of alcohol per day for women, 30 grams for men.

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