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Recipe: Vegan potato omelette


(for 6 people)

400g potatoes

150g onions (optional)

70g chickpea flour

180 ml water and olive oil


Peel the potato and cut it into thin slices.

Peel the onion and cut it into julienne strips, heat the potatoes and onion with abundant olive oil and fry over a low heat for 30 minutes with the pan covered and stir from time to time.

Meanwhile, in a deep, large bowl, mix the water with the chickpea flour and beat until there are no clumps.

When the potatoes and onions are ready, drain on a sieve to remove the remaining oil and add it to the chickpea flour and water mixture. We put the mixture in the frying pan and when it is done on one side we turn it over.


To make the Spanish potato omelette, replace the chickpea flour with 6 eggs.

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